OpenCities Map CONNECT Edition Help

Printing to ProjectWise InterPlot Server from Print Organizer

The Destination list box for Print Organizer's Print dialog offers the option Send to InterPlot Server. This option is visible only when the Windows printer is a connection to an ProjectWise InterPlot Server host. When a Bentley driver is loaded in the Print dialog, the list box is set to Create print file and disabled.

Print Organizer supports Send to InterPlot server for both Separate print jobs and Single print job submit modes. When a print job is submitted as a single print job, the job name is the name of the .pset file (with the extension). When a print job is submitted as separate print jobs, the job name is the name of the design file (with the extension).

Note: The printing system obtains the PD limits for InterPlot drivers that support them, and automatically adds a NONE form with those limits. The NONE form is treated as a valid form name for all mechanisms that deal with form names (keyins, etc.). The NONE form is only valid as long as that printer is selected. If a non-InterPlot printer is selected, the form list is reconstructed and the form is switched to the default form if necessary.